But if a group of neuroscientists who have experience with TDCS built an OpenSource device and explained how to build and use it in a public forum, such as YouTube, then the DIY community would be armed with the necessary knowledge to execute legal, safe, and controlled brain stimulation. This would bypass the necessity of shifting power into the hands of profit-seeking corporations or eavesdropping government agencies, and encourage a self-initiated and self-regulated approach to the direct manipulation of brain states. We manipulate our brain states all the time, actually. This common manipulation is called thinking, and individuals should have as much control of that as possible.
via The Case for OpenSource DIY Neuroenhancement | Infectious Perspectives.
Thanks for posting this! I think linking brain stimulation with DIY and OpenSource movements is a great cause and will really prove beneficial in the near future.
You’re welcome! Your post is timely. Thanks for introducing me to the notion of “bio-power”. BTW I took a stab at organizing an ‘Open tDCS’ project some months ago. http://www.diytdcs.com/2013/01/the-open-tdcs-project/ So far a project leader has not emerged.