DLPFC (F3) |
DLPFC (F4) |
Decreased depression/ pain / increased organization |
Smith & Clithero, (2009) |
DLPFC (F3) |
Right shoulder |
Decreased depression / reduced food alcohol craving |
Smith & Clithero, (2009) |
LPFC (F3) |
Supra Orbital (Fp2) |
Improved Mood |
Vanderhasselt et. al., (2013) |
DLPFC (F4) |
DLPFC (F3) |
Reduce risk taking |
Fecteau, et al., (2007) |
Mastoid (P10) |
DLPFC (F4) |
Increased impulsiveness / Increased present awareness |
Beeli, et al., (2008), Ledoux, (1996) |
Left Orbital (Fp1) |
DLPFC (F4) |
Improved social interaction / reduced punishment of unfair behavior |
Knoch, et al., (2008) |
DLPFC (F4) |
Reduced cigarette, alcohol, junk food craving |
Fregni, et al., (2007), Boggio et al., (2007) Fregni, et al., (2007) |
Orbital PFC (Fp1 and/or Fp2) |
Shoulder |
Attention improvement |
Gladwin, et al., (2012) |
Temporal (T4) |
Temporla(T3) |
Insight improvement / “Savant Learning” |
Chi & Snider (2011) |
Temporal (T4 & T6) Parietal (P4) |
Shoulder |
Improved socialization |
Sébastien Hétu (20101 |
Parietal (P4) |
Parietal (P3) |
Improved math understating / increased verbal impariment |
Kadosh (2010) |
Occipital (O1, Oz, and or O2) |
base of neck or CZ |
Improves visual motor reaction times |
Anatal & Paulus (2008) |
Base of neck |
Occipital (O1 & O2) |
Reduced migraine pain |
Antal (2011) |
Temporal (T3) |
Shoulder |
Improved audio processing |
Ladeira, et. al., (2011) |
C3 and or C4 |
Orbital (Fp1 or Fp2) |
Improved fine motor control /reduced pain oppisite side of anode |
Lindenberg et al., (2010), Fregni, (2006) Vineset, et. al, (2006) |
Supra Orbital (FP1 or Fp2 depending on pain side) |
Neck (opposite side) |
Pain reduction /possible increase in impulsiveness |
Mendonca (2011) Beeli (2008) |
Right Temple (F10) |
Left shoulder |
Accelerated Learning |
Kruse (2008) DARPAD |
DLPC (F3 &F4) |
Mastiod (P10 & P9) |
Theta-tDCS2 Improved sleep |
Marshal (2011)2 |
Are there any configurations to improve sexual function?
Not that I’m aware of, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you get a few answers on the tDCS subReddit https://www.reddit.com/r/tDCS/
are there any configurations to improve PTSD
Most ‘improvements’ remain speculative or inconclusive due to conflicting results. But have a look on the /r/tdcs subreddit for clues… https://www.reddit.com/r/tDCS/search?q=ptsd&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all
What are the anode/cathode arrangements or possible montages on the Thync device? Any intel on that yet?
I don’t have one. It’s not exactly tDCS so probably will need to revise understanding of their device. More here: http://www.diytdcs.com/2015/02/how-the-first-brain-altering-wearable-is-being-tested-thedailydot/ and here: http://www.diytdcs.com/2015/05/therapy-borne-on-electrical-currents-nytimes-com/
Found something at https://www.google.com/patents/US8903494?dq=thync&hl=en&sa=X
When there, search for “anode” and “cathode”.
That’s a great find! Will have to dig in there. Are you on the tDCS subReddit I bet they’d enjoy that. https://www.reddit.com/r/tDCS/
Parietal (P4) Parietal (P3) Improved math understating / increased verbal impariment (sic) Kadosh (2010)
Here’s the study:
I didn’t see anything in it about verbal impairment.