The Foc.us Has Landed!
Is foc.us FDA approved? No. The focus gamer headset offers no medical benefits, is not a medical device, and is not regulated by the FDA.
- When will my headset ship? If ordered today your headset should ship by the end of July 2013. Subsequent production orders are scheduled from October 2013.
- Will Android be supported? Yes, we are fully committed to providing Android support as soon as Android contains the required bluetooth 4.0 apis. We ♥ Android.
- Is the headset safe? The focus headset has been tested to all required regulatory standards including CE Safety standard EN60601-2-10: 2001 and EN60601-1: 2006.
- What does the headset do? The headset passes a small electric current <2.05mA through the prefrontal cortex of the wearer.
- Who should not use foc.us? The headset is not a toy, is not recommended for under 18s, epilepsy suffers or people with implants. It should not be used in the treatment of any medical conditions.
via FOC.US – transcranial direct current stimulation for gamers.
Don’t I have something like this, on order from you guys?
Not from me, I’m not selling anything, but from Foc.us, sure you may have, orders are being delivered. Best, JohnH
Question is will this improve, cognitive tasks involving mathematics, reasoning and memory
Agreed, now would be a great time for some graduate student to be putting together a crowd-sourced cognition-improvement study using the Focus device.